Our Expertise and Competencies

materials recovery facility management
value-added services (VAS) and logistics support services provider
hazardous wastes transporter, manager and broker
PRODUCER RESponsibility organization (PRO)

for corporate Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) initiatives

Reverse Logistics and Returns Management

Tritek can partner with you to achieve the most cost-efficient alternative in:

1. Retrieval of your market returns from your various distribution channels and key account sources.

2. Transport and hauling to your facility of your warehouse downgrades and unsaleable so you can more cost-effectively allot your storage facilities to your finished goods.

3. Secure acceptance and recording of your returns from Tritek or third-party trucks.

4. Sorting and marking of returns and bad orders according to categories and SKUs as basis for issuing credit note to your customers.

5. Storage and handling of your bad orders and returns while awaiting BIR inspection or as staging area prior to destruction and disposal of your Bad Order and Returns.

Producer Responsibility Organization

As a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), Tritek can help enterprises with assets above P1 Billion pesos in the following areas:

Grassroots retrival

Tritek can be a conduit in buying back the plastic materials or wastes produced by companies from grassroots consumers

Nationwide collection and processing facilities

Tritek can put up collection and pre-processing points nationwide where materials wastes can be dropped off after consuption then collected for recycling or non-landfill disposal

DENR registration

Tritek can facilitate registration of our partner companies’ EPR programs with the DENR


Tritek can facilitate “independent third-party” auditors to certify the veracity of reported plastic product footprint and compliance with EPR targets using uniform standards, established by the DENR

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

Tritek can handle the destruction and disposal of your bad orders and market returns based on your market hygiene requirements and global waste disposal policies to include:

Package defacing and contents adulteration
Materials segregation and sorting for recovery, recycling, conversion to raw materials, or residual disposal based on mutually-agreed procedures and environmental compliance parameters
Documentation of destruction and disposal processes and procedures
Accounting of waste volumes processed per waste category
Issuance of destruction and disposal certificates

Value-Added Services (VAS) and Logistics Support Services provider

Tritek’s VAS and Logistics Support Services is a solution conceived to respond to the needs of our Principals for their outsourced warehouse and logistics administration and maintenance needs which includes, but not limited to, the following:

Manpower and logistics support services personnel

Logistics systems, tools and equipment

Hazardous Wastes transporter, manager, broker

Tritek as a DENR-registered hazardous wastes transporter can make life easier for you in disposing your hazardous wastes by providing you a one-stop-shop, single customer contact point because:

Tritek will facilitate the Tri-partite HazWaste Disposal Agreement between your company as HazWaste generator, Tritek as transporter, and our partner TSDs as final treatment facilities.
Tritek will facilitate the entire HazWaste disposal process for you from your:

a. Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) consultation,

b. Permit-to-Transport documents facilitation from the DENR, to

c. Issuance of Certificate of Treatment from our TSD partners